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If you're like many of my patients, maybe your job requires you to spend much time in front of computers every day. If so, you've probably experienced some form of eye strain associated with prolonged use of computers is called computer vision syndrome. I'd like to talk to you about a few ways you can reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of this common condition.
Facts about the Computer vision syndrome
American Optometric Association reports that 70-75% of Americans who spend much time in front of computers have computer vision syndrome? This is true. Most people, however, does not attribute the symptoms of this condition for the use of computers. They include:
• Headaches
• Eye Strain
• blurred vision
• Shoulder and neck pain
• Dry, scratchy red eyes
eyes do not react to reading print on a computer screen in the same way they read printed material from, say, newspapers or magazines. This is because the words in the printed material stand out from the background much more strongly than words that appear on the computer screen illuminated. With the glare that comes from burning the computer monitor, your eyes constantly focus thousand times trying to read from a computer screen.
also blink less frequently read computer text than plain text, in fact, 5 times less, and this causes some to become dry and irritated. In addition, some muscles become overloaded, and that's where all the strain, headaches and neck pain comes from. Standard tests of vision not to properly diagnose the syndrome, computer vision, because they only show how well the characters are seen up close and far. Computer vision syndrome falls somewhere in the middle.
Can you cure a computer vision syndrome?
the question most often asked by their patients, when we talked about their eye strain is, "How can I avoid this condition, if I work all day on the computer?" Unfortunately, it can not completely avoid eye strain symptoms of a computer all day. However, you can do several things to prevent or ease some of the symptoms.
• Adjust room lighting / display lighting: Room lighting should be about the same or a little darker / darker than your computer screen. Work on overhead-lit room with fluorescent lighting will significantly worsen the symptoms. If possible, try to reduce the brightness of artificial light.
• Computer Ergonomics: Set the display so that it is at or slightly below eye level. Position the screen so it does not reflect the outside light or light overhead. Set the monitor close enough so that you can read the text without leaning forward in her.
• Blink often: You'll probably have to remember to blink often while working on the computer. Some eye lubricants and artificial tears can help relieve irritation.
• eye exam: This may help you to get a complete eye exam, and if necessary, a prescription for computer glasses are specifically designed to prevent computer vision syndrome.
• Replace your monitor: old, CRT (cathode terminal) monitors give off a lot of reflection. Get a new LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to avoid eyestrain.
• Exercise your eyes: In order to reduce "fatigue focus", this simple and quick exercise can help reduce the spasms in the muscles around the eyes. A. 20-20-20. Look away from the computer every 20 minutes on something about 20 meters by 20 seconds. B. 10-10-by. An alternative look at something far away, and something close to 10 seconds, repeated 10 times. Blink frequently during exercise for the lubrication of the eye.
• Take a break: Take frequent mini-breaks throughout the day where you get away from the computer screen. Walk to the restroom, break room, or a little water.
• monohydrate: As always, drink adequate amounts of water for at least a gallon a day, more if you sweat a lot. Eye tissues are mostly water. If you become dehydrated, so the eyes.
• Extra: Be sure you are getting enough of the eye healthy vitamins such as beta-carotene, antioxidants C, E, selenium, bilberry, lutein and zeaxanthin were in the food we eat or supplements.
In these days of computers dominate the working day, social media and the Internet, many of us spend an inordinate amount of time in front of computer screens. Our eyes may be paying the ultimate price for our computer savvy technology, however.
to minimize and / or alleviate the symptoms of computer vision syndrome, give your eyes a break from your computer at regular intervals. As I tell my patients, try to use the computer on weekends as the rest of the time and go without a computer screen for the rest your eyes completely. Follow at least some of the recommendations above, so that your eyes will remain healthy and your vision good debt in your golden years!
Mark Rosenberg, MD
The Institute for Healthy Aging
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